TEDxPortofSpainSalon - Creative Connections

by TEDxPortofSpain

Tue 2nd July , 2013

2:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Trinidad Theatre workshop


TEDxPortofSpainSalon will stimulate conversation about the potential grand impacts of creative connections and how this can be inspired.
A TEDxPortofSpainSalon is a small weekly or monthly recurring event that keeps a TEDx community engaged between larger annual events. 
At a TEDx Salon Event, attendees can watch TEDTalks, have discussions, and host a few speakers. 
Venue - Trinidad Theatre workshop - 23 Jerningham Avenue, Belmont, Trinidad, W.I (Corner of Jerningham Ave. and Norfolk St.)
Price - $30 online or in advance. At the Door $50. (60 seat capacity)