Francois Outreach BBQ For School Supplies
Sat 6th April , 2024
11:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Savannah #1
The Francois Outreach BBQ for School Supplies is to help raise money to give students backpacks with school supplies. The goal is to help Francois Outreach Corporation reach many students as possible in Trinidad & Tobago be ready for the 2024-2025 school year. We know that it can be hard for families to get a backpack and supplies for a student that would need it for school. We know that when a student goes to class not having the basic supplies it can affect their performance in the classroom. By a student feeling less than, undervalued, not appreciated, or not giving their all, just because of there financial situation.
The Francois Outreach Corporation have been doing the Back to School Drive since 2020 giving families the opportunity to give students the basic school supplies they need to start the school year. By supporting Francois Outreach Corporation you are helping them support families and giving the students confidence needed to go in the classroom and reach there full potential.