Boujee Mascarade Jamaica 2025

by Boujee Mascarade

Sun 27th April - Mon 28th April, 2025

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Marriott Hotel, 1 Park Close, Kingston


After 9 years and 12 events the Mascarade event continues to grow in demand.

With Trinidad Carnival 2025 as our most recent event, the partnership between 2 amazing brands continues to provide clients with a differential experience. More than Makeup Limited and the premium beauty brand, Boujee Glam Beauty, will continue to bring to you the same level of detailed customer service with an event which continues to provide the best in beauty services to our Boujee Mascaraders.

In an industry where superficiality rules Boujee Mascarade is here to make our own rules & revert to the true meaning of Carnival.

Celebrate you, your freedom and your strength, feel confident in your own skin and BE YOUR OWN BADDIE

with your Ultimate International Pre-Road Carnival Experience.

Boujee Mascarade conveniently caters to every aspect of making you feel like the Baddie that you are. We provide a smooth experience for you to receive your beauty services which includes;

  • Makeup,
  • Photography &
  • Grab n’ go bites

With 9 yrs Experience serving carnival clients in Trinidad, Jamaica & Barbados, trust that you are in the right hands as we ensure when you get to the road you are looking & feeling GORGEOUS!