Momentum: The Eastern Journey

by Luscious Vibrations

Fri 20th October - Sat 21st October, 2023

8:00 PM - 2:00 AM

The Loftt Gallery


Wanderers from near and far, we invite you to join us on October 20th, 2023 for a night of mystical music and magical communications.


Discover the launch of a brand new journey where nature and music collide to create a unique and luscious soundscape of music. Connect in the ambience of the desert plains.

Communicate. Listen. Experience.

Let us take you back to the nostalgic moments of gathering to dance under the stars while bonding over newly discovered music.

We welcome you to Momentum: The Eastern Journey.

Snake Charmers of the Plains:
MiKA (Luscious Vibrations)
Joshua Moreno (aka JoMo) (Anjunadeep / Luscious Vibrations)
Digital Buddha (Groove Gathering / Luscious Vibrations)

Sunrise (Start): 8:00pm
Sunset (Ends): 2:00am

“מוזיקה היא החיים. מוזיקה היא הכל. חבקו אותו באהבה.”