The Barrack Yard Tent Experience 2023 presents - Dragons of Carnival
Thu 23rd February , 2023
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Corner of French St. & Ariapita Ave., Woodbrook, Port of Spain
The Barrack Yard Tent Experience 2023 presents "Dragons of Carnival", written by renowned Calypsonian Kurt Allen and directed by Wayne Lee-Sing. Awarded the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) first prestigious “Best Carnival Show” in 2019, the 2 hour Broadway-styled Trini-fusion, immersion theatre features an award-winning cast in a tribute to Chinee Patrick Jones. Featured performances from Calypso, Soca, Chutney, Rapso, Dragon Dance, Lion Dance, Limbo, Midnight Robber, Stick Fighting, Chinese Steelband Ensemble, Military Steelband and more...
A food and drink inclusive event (non alcoholic)
Experience DRAGONS OF CARNIVAL from February 8th - 26th, 2023 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday) 7p.m. to 10 p.m
Physical Tickets available @ 14 Picton Street, Newtown, Port of Spain or contact Fabi @ 1868-309-6839