Sinister Seduction Halloween Party

by Wing It

Sat 2nd November - Sun 3rd November, 2024

9:00 PM - 3:00 AM

#33 Ariapita Avenue, Port of Spain


**Wing It Presents: Sinister Seduction Halloween Party** 

 Prepare for a night of mystery, allure, and thrills on **Saturday, 2nd November 2024** at **#33 Ariapita Avenue**! Dress to impress in your most seductive masquerade attire and get ready for an unforgettable Halloween night.

- $150 TTD Males  
- $200 TTD 2 on 1 Females 

 18+ Event

 **Sponsored by**:  
 **A.S. Brydens**  
 **Carib Brewery**  
 **Wing It Bar & Lounge**

Mark your calendars, grab your masks, and step into a world where sinister meets seductive!
#Halloween2024 #SinisterSeduction #WingItPresents #CaribBrewery #ASBrydens #MasqueradeParty #AriapitaAve