FETELAND: Festival Of Fetes

Wed 29th May - Sun 2nd June, 2024

Feteland Capital Trinidad and Tobago


Festival-goers and Fete Lovers!

Welcome to FeteLand - Festival of Fete!

This is your ideal destination - your perfect place to fully immerse yourself in a cultural adventure.

Whether you are ready for full access to all events or prefer to choose your experience, Wednesday May 29th to Sunday June 2nd will feature five events, non-stop entertainment and Trinidad's best food and drink.

Festival Line-up:

  1. Wednesday 29th May - Casa Clava - The Clubhouse
  2. Thursday 30th May - Tailgate - Tailgate TT
  3. Friday 31st May - TIPSY - Crimson Crew & Bess Lime
  4. Saturday 1st June - Bacchanal Blocko - Caesar's Army
  5. Sunday 2nd June - Bacchanal Road - Caesar's Army

Get your limited festival tickets now. Available while stocks last

Festival Combo with 5 events

Festival Combo with Tailgate, Bacchanal Blocko, Bacchanal Road

Festival Combo with Casa Clava, Tailgate, Bacchanal Blocko

 Get your Bacchanal Blocko tickets now. https://islandetickets.com/event/FLBlocko

Bacchanal Road tickets will go on sale soon, stay tuned to @myfeteland