Red Ants Jouvert Launch Party

Sun 17th November , 2019

3:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Socadrome Hasely Crawford Stadium


Red Ants Jouvert Launch Party 2019! 

What do you get? 

A full Jouvert package! ⠀

  • T-Shirt
  • Cup
  • Wristband (yuh ticket)
  • Drinkssss
  • Breakfast

IMPORTANT: After purchasing your ticket, you will be sent an email from Red Ants (this may go to your spam/junk folder)

  1. Click on the link in the email to input your information and select your t-shirt size
  2. Click 'pay committee member' and your payment will be applied
  3. You will receive an email with your barcode for you to collect your package at distribution

Please contact with any questions