Manning Fete RETURNS!! Your crew! Your cooler! Your drinks! Your vibes! ONE fete, EPIC performances, ENDLESS memories! This is the cooler fete you don't wanna miss!
- General $200
- Female 2 on 1 $300
Papi's Waterhole - Pleasantville
Dev's Barbershop - Cocoyea
Seon's Bar - Royal Road, San Fernando
Wack 90.1fm Radio - Coffee Street, San Fernando
Coldero's Grill & Stage - Independence Avenue, San Fernando
Legends Sports Bar - Point Fortin
VENUE: Bottom of San Fernando Hill
DATE: Sunday 23rd February 2025
TIME: 5pm - 12am
- Coolers allowed!
HOTLINE: 290-6308
Go follow @manningfete on IG
POWERED BY: Forres Park Puncheon Rum
#Carnival2025 #ManningFete #CarnivalCoolerExperience #ForresParkPuncheonRum #FeelDeFire #Soca #Trinidad #Tobago #Carnival #Fete #TrinidadNightLife #Coolers #Vibes